
class obob_mne.mixins.raw.AutomaticBinaryEvents(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Mixin for binary events.

If your triggers code events with binary triggers, this mixin can help you a lot.

Let’s suppose, you have an experiment with two types of blocks. At the beginning of each block, the type of the block is signalled by a a trigger code:

  1. Attend Auditory: Trigger 1
  2. Attend Visual: Trigger 2

Then you present either:

  1. A tone: Trigger 4
  2. An image: Trigger 8

And sometimes, one of them is an oddball which is marked by adding 1 to the trigger codes.

In this case, you can use this mixin and write something like this:

class Raw(mne.io.fiff.Raw, LoadFromSinuhe, AutomaticBinaryEvents):
    study_acronym = 'test_study'

    condition_triggers = {
        'attention': {
            'auditory': 1,
            'visual': 2

    stimulus_triggers = {
        'modality': {
            'audio': 4,
            'visual': 8
        'oddball': 1

This will automatically result in mne-python aware event_ids like:
